Saturday, November 28, 2015

New investigators, baptism and talked someone from jumping off the electrical pole....

I have had an interesting week! We stopped a guy from committing suicide yesterday. He had climbed up one of the towers that keep up the big power cables and was going to throw himself off. He was drunk and saying his life was worth nothing! We shouted at him to come down and come talk to us and that we could help. He came down and we talked for a bit then one of his friends came and then the cop but nothing dramatic happened after that. 

We found 2 more investigators who are really good ladies. A mother and her daughter named Jenny and Mary. They just lost their son and older brother and are really distraught. They talked with their neighbor who is a member and invited us to come and talk with them and give them blessings of counsel and comfort. They calmed down and we came back2 days later. She was having another panic attack so we shared a message with her and she calmed down. She is really hard of heart but recognizes that what we are sharing will help her to feel better. Their names are Jenny and Mary. I also baptized a convert of some sisters in my district, which not gonna lie, was really cool! I also interviewed him. It was cool to see his repentance process and to be able to baptize him for the remission of sins, it made me feel like a tool in the hands of the lord. 

Elder Barlow

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

  Hannah looks like a tiny Jessica and all her friends are tall!!! What the heck? Meg Sorensen is a giant!!! My niece is really cute! 
  Not a whole lot happened this week. There was another earthquake here a couple nights ago but nothing happened and no one got hurt because it was in the middle of the night and it was just a 6.8, so nothing was damaged! We found some new investigators and placed some baptismal dates but no  one came to church so we are going to have to talk to them about keeping commitments. 
  I am so excited to be able to go to the temple with you guys. I have always liked the temple but I never understand the need, the absolute need that we as children of God have for the temple, the covenants and the peace it brings.  I  have a burning desire to be able to visit the temple and more then anything I want the people I have taught to be able to make it there. 
  My comp is terrible about exercising so the only way I can get him to run is by playing football in the mornings. I run routes and he plays QB. When I can`t get him out of bed I jump rope too, for about 10 minutes before I do a bunch of other workouts. I have been really good about working out here and I think that has helped me a lot with stress. I wake up excited to workout then I am excited to drink mate! Then I am excited to study the scriptures and go out and teach.
   I have really enjoyed my mission and I need to thank you guys for that because there are lots of guys who struggle with the concept of what the mission is or how hard it would be or just keeping your head in the work. I do have moments obviously of when I get distracted but  thanks to you guys I have been able to work hard all my mission. You and mom taught me how to work.  I may not be the smartest missionary or the best or the most spiritual but I do know how to work thanks to you guys. 

Love Elder Christopher  Ryan Barlow