Monday, May 18, 2015

Love President Kahnlien and I'm eternally grateful for all my leaders...

Hey Mama and dad! A couple of big announcements! We are going to have another baptism this Sunday of a guy that we are teaching named Jhoel!! He is going to have to go through this whole week without smoking to be baptized, so If you and the family could please pray for him to resist this temptation that would be amazing! We had 2 investigators attend yesterday and they are both progressing super well and reading The Book Of Mormon. On Thursday Jhoel has his interview for his baptism.  Wednesday will be the last zone conference with President Kahnlien which is pretty sad because I love him, he is awesome! It should be a very special Day. I was also a part of his last conference of district leaders. He started crying and I was seriously shocked to see that because he is basically a army Sergeant. It touched me a lot to know that he really does love us so much and I thought of all the other leaders I have had through my life so will you please  get in contact with as many as possible and tell them that I love them and that I am eternally grateful for keeping me on the path to salvation.  I love you too mom and dad, there aren´t words in Spanish or English to express my love for you and Dad! Les Quiero.
Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow Valiente

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