Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Rough week, hard time staying focused, need a change...

Thank you mom for the stories!  Its nice to know I was a way better child then you and dad... jk but I really do enjoy reading them. I don't know why is started wondering about it. Either we had a lesson about family history or I was talking about it or reading about it during my  study time but I just realized I know nothing about my family apart from some stories and how dad worked at orange Julius! And well I knew you were born in California and that's about it. You grew up speaking Spanish and you lived in Guatemala for a year right?

It was kind of a rough week trying to stay focused on the work  because in my district all the Elders are finishing their missions and they were talking about crap they are going to do after the mission and girls mostly and well that made me a little trunky. It also doesn't help that I have been in this sector for such a long time and I have memorized every street in this city! I have transfers this Wednesday and I am almost positive I am leaving, if not this could be the longest change of my fetching life because I'm ready to go to be honest. I am very grateful for the chance I had to work here and I love this branch but I'm sick of the terrain more then anything. I have been thinking about it and do you know if at the end of the mission you guys will be allowed to come get me? I would really love for you guys to get to know some of the people that I have met and for you to meet the converts that I've taught and go through the temple with some of them. The brown pants I have are thrashed and the 2 other pairs of pants that I brought I gave to another elder because they didn't fit me because I am skinny and sexy now! 
I honestly can write and read really well in Spanish. My grammar is bad with writing but its the same way in English. My pronunciación is really good. I need to work on expanding my vocabulary but I am going to study Spanish with french so If you could send me Spanish to french books it would be better because when I study it and I don't know a word in french and Spanish I look it up in English in the dictionary I have. I have thought about it a lot. I am confident that I will be able to do both. 
I love you mommy!

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

I think I just realized how the truth cuts the "wicked"!  I think your right with focusing on Spanish. You can tell mom that too and tell her  to ignore the whole think about french in my letter. 
I had kind of a rough week this week with trying to stay focused and working. I am pretty excited for  a new area. 
I am going to start studying the attributes of Christ so that I can start to get refocused on the work. This was a really good change but it was hard in that most of the guys that are in my district are finishing their missions and won't shut up about home. I can't blame them and they still work hard but I made it more difficult as a district to focus. All the training meetings that we had in the district were about being obedient and focusing on the work. I think at this time in the mission it has been difficult because we got a new mission president and such. This next transfer will be much better in that I at least will be more focused and working a lot better. 

I have been studying a lot about charity and came to the realization that receiving the gift of charity is one of the most important things we can ever achieve in our time on the earth. Of faith, hope and charity, charity is the greatest. I could have prophesies, miracles, appearances of angels, speak in all manner of tongues and have all knowledge but if I don't have charity I am nothing. I have now started to realize that my teaching of the people is not to make them members of the church but to make them representatives of Christ. That comes with baptism, being confirmed and obeying all the commandments are just things that help us be more like Christ. If we obey the commandments but we do it in a way that doesn't help us remember Christ or help us become more like him then it doesn't really help us in the end because we won't have changes that are lasting for the eternity.

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

New Mission Pres, new baby niece, 2 baptisms, and teaching by the spirit...

July 6,2015
Hey mommy! I love you and I glad to hear that I am an uncle! I had an awesome week this last week. We got a new mission president on the first and I got a new niece, so it was a pretty good day! We found 7 new investigators last week and had the baptism of Karen Andrea Mencia Bruna! She will be confirmed next week. We actually have another baptism planned for that day too! His name is Matias Parkes and is the son of my convert Veronica. He was going to get baptized this week  but he was being kind of shy and wouldn´t tell us why. We then found out he didn´t want to stop drinking tea which is understandable but we talked about it. He is 9 and super smart! I held out my hands and said you can drink tea and held one hand out as tea or you can live with your mom for eternity but you can´t do both. He thought about it for a moment and decided that he loved his mother more then tea. During that lesson we were fasting and I know our words were guided by the spirit because I just knew what I need to do and say to help him understand that the commandments are for our eternal well being. 
Karens baptism was awesome and she was super happy after her baptism. I love teaching the gospel and seeing the peace that I can bring to people. It was hard and it felt like she took forever to get to the font. It took a little bit over a month, which is crazy but these people change their entire lives in a manner of months because they are filled with the spirit and can feel our love and the love of our heavenly father.

July 13, 2015
I know right I don´t feel like I have been gone for a year but apparently that's what has happened. We had another baptism yesterday. The son of one of my converts finally decided he wanted to be baptized, it was awesome!!! His grandmother came to the baptism and  loves the church now. She stayed for the gospel principals class and we talked about the sacrament and she bore her testimony of how good she feels when she is in church and how listening to the class made her feel so warm and close to Christ. It was a very cool experience and well she lives in another city that is in my mission and it is very possible that I could get transferred to where she lives and teach her as well. Another cool experience I had, but first off there are times on your mission when you doubt your ability to teach. The prophets of old did it and well it happens to missionaries now a days too. We had dropped this lady because she couldn't get married. One day I decided we needed to go  by and see her. It turned out she was listening to the Jehovah's witnesses and they had given her a bible and she liked it a lot. I was pretty sure when she let us in she was going to rail on us but she just started to explain some of the things that they had taught her. She waited for our response at first but I didn´t know what I should say. I will be honest I was scared that I would say something she didn´t like but I just started speaking. The spirit directed me in the way that we needed to go, we spoke about lesson 1 and how  all Church's teach of Christ and how they all teach good things but not all have the right authority. She basically ate it out of our hands because I started using the bible that the witnesses had given her and well their scriptures are different then the regular bible and they have changed quite a bit, so when I started reading from both bibles it made it easy to show her that the bible is not the way to receive a sure answer and how important the need of the Book of Mormon is. I love this promise from the Lord that we shall not be confused before the sons of man and that he will give us in the precise moment all things which we must say if we are paying attention to the spirit.

 I really enjoyed reading last weeks letter and getting to know more about you I actually printed it off and have read it a couple times. Tell dad to do the same! 

I love you Mom and I have been very grateful for the chance to teach Veronica and Mathias because I can now understand the love that you have for me. He was very hard to teach, he got bored easily and he has the attention span of a goldfish but when we were talking with Veronica she told me about how much I remind her and resemble Mathias and it gives her so much hope ( which is sad if I am her hope) but thank you for teaching me how to be an example and to love the Lord. Te amo con todo mi corazon.(I love you with all of my heart)

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow Valiente 

Friday, July 3, 2015

New mission president and continuing to learn patience...

Today is officially the last P day with president Kahnlien and I wrote my first letter to President Diaz. It was sorta strange because I had to include details about how much time I have served, where and stuff about the family. It will be really interesting what changes are going to happen, now that we have a new president and to see what rules he is more relaxed on. The changes probably won´t happen for probably 3 months because he will want to see what works for him and what doesn´t.  It was strange to think that I will finish my first year in the mission and that I will be burning a shirt in 3 weeks. I don't feel like I have been gone for a year maybe because I have only had 2 sectors and 4 comps. 
I chose a new study topic for this year next year and its a saying from president Packer.  "If you don´t chose the kingdom of God first in your life, in the end it won´t matter what you chose instead." I am going to start studying about how we can chose the kingdom of God in every action and I am hoping I change a lot. I'm starting to realize really how much people are going to rely on me as a pillar of faith and work. Tonight I was talking with one of the Elders in my district that has been in a rough sector for 6 months now, like me and is really struggling. When we talked I could feel his pain and the kind of hopelessness he felt. I know the lord guided me in giving him counsel to help him keep working hard until at least changes happen. I really like giving counsel to people but something that I have to work on is teaching with more love and patience because some of the members think of me as Elder pesado, which here in Chile is like grumpy. They all love me but I am very stubborn and I don´t take like the word no and I hate excuses and well I'm more then willing to ask questions that are uncomfortable and sometimes hard to answer. I want to be like our savior but its hard because I feel like sometimes our brothers and sisters are stubborn. They know what they should be doing things that will just bring them blessings but they procrastinate. Sometimes I want to shake them and yell and in English just so they can´t respond. Its terribly frustrating, but oh well it wasn´t easy for Christ so why would it be easy for any of us. 

Thank you mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow