Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Rough week, hard time staying focused, need a change...

Thank you mom for the stories!  Its nice to know I was a way better child then you and dad... jk but I really do enjoy reading them. I don't know why is started wondering about it. Either we had a lesson about family history or I was talking about it or reading about it during my  study time but I just realized I know nothing about my family apart from some stories and how dad worked at orange Julius! And well I knew you were born in California and that's about it. You grew up speaking Spanish and you lived in Guatemala for a year right?

It was kind of a rough week trying to stay focused on the work  because in my district all the Elders are finishing their missions and they were talking about crap they are going to do after the mission and girls mostly and well that made me a little trunky. It also doesn't help that I have been in this sector for such a long time and I have memorized every street in this city! I have transfers this Wednesday and I am almost positive I am leaving, if not this could be the longest change of my fetching life because I'm ready to go to be honest. I am very grateful for the chance I had to work here and I love this branch but I'm sick of the terrain more then anything. I have been thinking about it and do you know if at the end of the mission you guys will be allowed to come get me? I would really love for you guys to get to know some of the people that I have met and for you to meet the converts that I've taught and go through the temple with some of them. The brown pants I have are thrashed and the 2 other pairs of pants that I brought I gave to another elder because they didn't fit me because I am skinny and sexy now! 
I honestly can write and read really well in Spanish. My grammar is bad with writing but its the same way in English. My pronunciación is really good. I need to work on expanding my vocabulary but I am going to study Spanish with french so If you could send me Spanish to french books it would be better because when I study it and I don't know a word in french and Spanish I look it up in English in the dictionary I have. I have thought about it a lot. I am confident that I will be able to do both. 
I love you mommy!

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

I think I just realized how the truth cuts the "wicked"!  I think your right with focusing on Spanish. You can tell mom that too and tell her  to ignore the whole think about french in my letter. 
I had kind of a rough week this week with trying to stay focused and working. I am pretty excited for  a new area. 
I am going to start studying the attributes of Christ so that I can start to get refocused on the work. This was a really good change but it was hard in that most of the guys that are in my district are finishing their missions and won't shut up about home. I can't blame them and they still work hard but I made it more difficult as a district to focus. All the training meetings that we had in the district were about being obedient and focusing on the work. I think at this time in the mission it has been difficult because we got a new mission president and such. This next transfer will be much better in that I at least will be more focused and working a lot better. 

I have been studying a lot about charity and came to the realization that receiving the gift of charity is one of the most important things we can ever achieve in our time on the earth. Of faith, hope and charity, charity is the greatest. I could have prophesies, miracles, appearances of angels, speak in all manner of tongues and have all knowledge but if I don't have charity I am nothing. I have now started to realize that my teaching of the people is not to make them members of the church but to make them representatives of Christ. That comes with baptism, being confirmed and obeying all the commandments are just things that help us be more like Christ. If we obey the commandments but we do it in a way that doesn't help us remember Christ or help us become more like him then it doesn't really help us in the end because we won't have changes that are lasting for the eternity.

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

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