Monday, August 24, 2015

Transfer has been difficult, not very much success, went to the zoo...

Mate is delicious! Its not just hot dirt water. When you cook it you need to put in the liquid sweetener that makes it super good but only a couple drops. I am going to bringing home bags and bags of mate if I can`t buy it in the states because I love it! 
Today we had a district activity because my district had 6 baptisms this month. The mission president gave us permission to have an activity. We went to the La Serena Zoo. It was pretty cool not gonna lie and then we cooked there. I started the fire with help from one of the sisters and we had grilled choripan and tin foil dinners. There are some pretty cool animals here including a white tiger and an ocelot. I also got to touch a monkey. It was a good time to relax for the district because we are all pretty stressed out. 
When you pray for opportunities to strengthen your testimony, the lord will answer your prays. I have been praying for that these last couple weeks. This has been one of the hardest changes of my mission. We haven`t had a lot of success or a lot of progress so it has been kind of hard. I have had to trust that the Lord will continue to help me in every moment and I have had to learn to work in very creative ways here. 
I haven't gotten my package yet and probably wont till September but I will let you know when I do! I will be praying for you and for the girls! Tell Dad I love him. 

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

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