Wednesday, January 6, 2016

December was busy, baptized Antonia, meeting Elder Jose Texiara of the 70 and finally received my Christmas package...

 I can´t write you a lot about this last week because I don't have lots of time but this year has started off pretty dang well, not gonna lie! I am going to be able to meet another 70 this week, Elder Jose Texiara! It will be cool! This will probably be my last week in La Serena and next week I will most likely go to the area where I will end my mission!!!!!!!!!!!!............. Crazy! I want to tell you that I know that our heavenly father listens to and answers our prayers. If there is anything that will lead is to the truth, it is sincere conversation with our heavenly father! 
Oh and I got the packages! Awesome!!! I love the star wars shirts but I don´t think I will wear one because It has Leia in a metal bikini. Hahah  

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

Hola momma! 

I had a wonderful Christmas week! Last Monday was just a normal day but on Tuesday we had a Christmas activity and a BBQ which was really cool! We played around and had super good food. 
We also had the baptism of Antonia Berrios! She is awesome and now we are teaching her aunt and her grandma! They both went to church yesterday. We are also teaching the boyfriend of a  sister in our ward. We could have 3 baptisms at the end of church, so i will be praying and fasting a lot so that happens! Its ok that the package hasn`t come yet it, doesn`t bother me. Dad's gun is fetching sweet! I really like the photos you guys sent me! You all look the same just Hannah and Britt look older and Lucy looks super happy to be with Santa! I would guess that she was screaming her head off.  Love you mom! Have a happy new year!! 

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow!

We are going to have a baptism today!! I am pretty excited! All that hard work this last 5 months is going to pay off! Her name is Antonia Berrios! She is 9 and will be baptized by her grandpa. I am going to confirm her this Sunday. Everyone said that Star Wars was awesome but that they changed the story of star wars a lot from what it  already existed. I still haven't gotten my package but I think I will get it on the 6th of January because a 70 is going to come and speak with us. I think were going to call at 3. Hopefully everything will work fine. Dad said he was going to make a destroyer ginger bread house in my honor. Did he? Everyone looks the exact same as before.  ha ha Parker only looks slightly older. Maddi is leaving right? Are Abbey and Flo engaged already because some of the girls from my high school have just recently gotten sealed.  That's a really good picture of Jess and Lucy. I have always been kind of a Grinch about Christmas, but this Christmas has been really different for me, not only is it my last here in Chile but its also my last without snow. I will also end the only year of my life fully consecrated to the lord. In a very small part I am starting to learn how much really our savior and father in heaven love us. I probably won´t understand until I am face to face with them and can tell them I love them too. I love my savior and I love you momma. See you in a couple days!  

Your favorite child
Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow 

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