Monday, February 1, 2016

Christopher Astudillo was baptized, can't believe how chubby I was, humbled for the trust the lord has given me....

What??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emma Finished her mission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??? O my fetch........ Moooooom! I am so old................................... today I transferred all the photos from the beginning of my mission from one flash drive to another and I was so fat when I got here oh my goodness! I was like a chubby sausage! Its disgusting... Wacala (gross). I just realized that all the missionaries who I got here with me have already finished their mission and that basically there is no one here now that has more time then my group. 
Christopher Astudillo got baptized yesterday and it went super well. He was pretty pumped when he left the water and just started to smile really big. He got up to bear his testimony after the service. It was really simple but I could tell that he had been cleansed of his sins and that he could feel a cleanliness and a spirit he had never felt before. His mom was really happy and this Sunday he will be confirmed a member of the church of Jesus Christ and he will be ordained to the office of a deacon. I hope I can stay here for a while because I would like to see his progress.I was going through all the teaching registers of this area and the lord has placed some of the best missionaries that I have met on my mission here, in this area. It gives me pride and humbles me to know that the lord has placed his trust upon me and that he has trusted this area to me and my comp. All my mission I have tried my hardest to work hard and to be a good obedient servant of the lord and I honestly believe that I have been an excellent missionary. I don`t say this to toot my own horn, I say this to give thanks to the amazing parents that I have had. You and dad taught me what it means to work hard and to be self-sufficient. To love the Lord and serve him the best that I can and I would say that if you guys had an interview with the lord about how hard you worked in raising me he would say, Well done, thou good and faithful sservantthou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. 

Love Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

Hey dad,
Everything has gone by so ridiculously fast. I told mom about this but I wanted to tell you too. I am in a area that is pretty complicated to work in. I have been going through the area book and looking at the missionaries that have been here and It´s very humbling to see who has been here. All the elders who have been here are some of the best missionaries that I have met in my mission. I want to thank you for having taught me to trust in the lord and for teaching me how to work hard. I love you for the great example you have given me and I know its because you were a good missionary as well. 

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

Christopher Astudillo's baptism!!!

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