Monday, February 29, 2016

Wow mom, every one in our family is so old now!! Britt is a woman and Hannah isn`t a little thing anymore... That's crazy!!! ha ha Hey I had a great week this week. Guess what happened in the transfer meeting? There is an Elder Barlow who all his mission has been in all his sectors for 6 months and he was in an area with a companion who had six months in the sector already. Both of these Elders thought, well Elder Barlow will stay and elder Arpires will be going but a miracle occurred! Our Heavenly father decided to call Elder Barlow as one of the new zone leaders of the mission and sent him back to the zone where he started his mission! I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It´s seriously one of the greatest blessings I have received during my mission! I love Ovalle and I have received one of the greatest blessing a missionary can receive. I get to see converts and members who I knew and loved and be with them again! Seriously super awesome! My new comp is from Utah as well and he is going to go to BYU. Super Cool!!! We have 2 investigators with baptismal dates and had a couple of training meetings with our president. I also had the great privileges of seeing one of the smallest branches of the church in the mission because it´s part of my sector. There are about 20 members who attend and like 3 men. I had the privilege of addressing them and know what?! Never in my life have I felt so much appreciation for the members of the church. These men and woman are living saints who have decided to be valiant in the name of our father in heaven! What a week of blessings and miracles.  Here in this area, me and my comp have 3 branches.  In our main branch lives one of my favorite families from the mission. I don´t know if you remember the family from my first area with the blind uncle and is full of girls.  I love that family with all my heart. Well they attend my branch. Mom I seriously felt just over joyed at the news that I was going to be able to see them again!!

This coming week me and comp, Elder Crofts from Ogden are going to give a replica of the training meeting we received from the president and we will be working hard to find lots of new investigators. We get along pretty well and he is just a really chill guy, really obedient and works hard. He got here on the plane with me and we actually met in the airport in Utah.


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