Monday, January 12, 2015

Only year in my life that I will be able to dedicate my whole time, strength, mind and soul to the Lord...

Hey Momma!!! Como Estas? Estoy empezando el único año en mi vida que yo puedo dedicar todo de tiempo fuerza mente y alma al señor! Estoy super animado!!!!!!!!! Sophia es super bueno y empezamos esta ano con 3 fechas de bautismal pero todos se cayeron porque no asistieron. Pero vamos a renueva sus fechas y ellos van a ser bautizado en esta mes o la próxima. Elder staton es de Virginia y creo que encuentre mi mejor amigo de la misión con El como stu y Mike. El va BYU después la misión y quiere correr ironmen y marathons también después la minios. hacemos mucho mucho ejercicio y  es super bueno! Tuvimos muchos Citas esta semana pasada y mucho mas esta semana que es muy bueno. Yo amo me misíons y quiero ayudar mas personas entender de que Dios es justo y amoroso, poderoso y misericordioso. Las religiounes del mundo han cambiado las cosas de Dios tan mucho de que entiendo porque tan cuantos personas viven en obscuridad, es triste. Pero Yo invito ti para prepara por tu nuevo llamamiento a leer predicad me Evangelio y tomar los lecciones de los missioneros y ver como esta message puede le ayudar. I love you so much mama!!!!!!! 

Translation: Elder Staton is from Virginia and I think I have found my best friend in the mission, like Mike and Stu! He will be going to BYU after the mission and he wants to do the ironman and run marathons also! We have been working out a lot and it's really great!  I love my mission and I want to help more people understand that God is just, loving, omnipotent and merciful. The religions of the world  have changed the doctrines of Heavenly Father so much that I understand we so many people live in darkness. It is really sad!!! I ivite you to read Preach my gospel for your new calling, take the missionary lessons and see how these messages can help you. 
Hey Dad!! I will try to baptize a Chilean for you every week from now on!! I am doing super good here. I can really see how my companions work ethic is effecting me and our work. We have way more future investigators and we are teaching a lot more lessons. My Spanish is actually getting a lot better without a latino because I was trying to teach him English. We started last week with 3 investigators and with baptismal dates but they all fell through because they didn't attend church, which sucked! We are going to place them again and see if they are willing to be obedient or not. I'm starting the only year of my life where I am going to be able to dedicate all of my time, strength, effort, mind, and spirit to the Lord and I'm so excited to start working so much harder to find our brothers and sisters who are wandering in darkness. I have been reading my patriarchal blessing a lot.  I know I have the faith to see miracles in the lives of people but now I just need to put in the work. If it doesn't work out and I only have 2 baptisms in my whole mission I can honestly say that I am ok with it. But that is for the future and I am super pumped!!!!! How are Hannah and Britt doing? Are they in school again? Mom said that Jessica is starting to show, so can you send me a picture of the family next week?  I want to see how you guys have changed! 
Love Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow  

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