Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Found amazing investigator...

I am going to have a niece !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
That is going to be so awesome!!! Tell Stu and Jessica that I am so very happy for them and well I guess we all could have guessed that it was gonna be a girl, since we have a majority of girls in our family and huge lack of girls in the Reynolds family. Obviously this is a blessing for Lucy Reynolds as well. 

All the news I have for this week is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We found this amazing investigator named Carolina!! She is probably one of the smarts woman I have met in all my life. She is studying to be a psychologist and she is very religious. She is 21 and I don´t think that I have met anyone on my mission who actually does the extra work at the back of the pamphlets until now. She read everything we left then used the extra study sections that compare the Bible and the Book of Mormon. She then reread the first 2 Chapters of the Book of Mormon to make sure she understood it. She has her baptism planned for the  for the 8 of February. 8 of She came to church with us last Sunday and loved it! The best part was that in relief society they pass out the lunch calender for the Elders and she signed up for 4 days which is awesome. We have the heart now we just need the soul! My Companion is awesome!  He is the bomb and is helping me a lot with my Spanish. I have interviews with my president next week and I am pretty excited for them because he is the man! I have also been reading a talk called the 4th missionary that is super good.   If you can find it look it up, it rocks. I love you dad!  I know that the reason I am here is because mom and you took the time to teach me how to use my free agency and I am eternally grateful for your love and sacrifice for me.

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow
Still as goofy as ever!

Elder Staton his partner in crime!

Elder Barlow's little pets!

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