Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Im loving my mission so much!!!

Hi Momma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am still here in Ovalle!! I am going to be here for another 6 weeks and then Im going to be out of here!!! I feel a lot more focused ever since I got a new companion. O yeah I got a new comp! His name is Elder Cory Statton. He's from Virginia and has the same amount of time as me in the field but a little less time then me in the misión because he studied Spanish for 12 years before the misión. His parents loved him and taught him how to speak. He is a really good missionary and I am really looking forward to working with him. We have taught quite a few lessons and Francisco my convert is doing awesome. He is reading a lot and attending. He doesn't like primary but that is pretty normal for an 11 year old. He is super pumped to get the priesthood this year and wants to go to the temple so bad. He is super dope! We are teaching a few investigators who are doing super well. Our best is this 17 year old named Sophia. She is super smart and always has lots of questions. We have taught her the first 3 lessons and she said she is going to pray to know if she needs to get baptized. She said that she knows the answer is going to be yes. She has a little bit of fear because she doesn't want to make this commitment and then not be able to live up to the covenant. Which is super good. We have a lesson with her today and we are going to set a date for her baptism for 3 weeks so she can feel prepared and ready. I am loving my misión so much!!!  I have been reading my Patriarchal blessing a lot and I know that my misión is helping me fulfill and receive the blessings that were promised to me.

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow
Zone Activity
Zone Conference

Elder Staton from Virginia is Chris's new companion

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