Monday, December 22, 2014

Two baptisms!!! Grateful for my young men leaders...

  Hey dad and mom what up! I have exciting news. I had a baptism yesterday!!!!! It was a miracle baptism.  This kid literally came out of nowhere! The sisters in our area were teaching these kids and he was always listening to the lessons and was like "I want to get baptized".   The sisters were like "you live in the boundary of the Elder", so we had a baptism yesterday and I preformed 2 baptisms.   It was awesome!  The other baptism I preformed was of this 16 year old girl.  Her family is so very awesome. They are my family here in Chile. I was so happy!  Their names are Francisco and Madeline.
    I will be able to skype you guys and I will call around 4 o'clock4your  time.  I will call you guys. We are going to be skyping from a home of a member, so there won`t be any distractions. We can talk for like 30 to 40 minutes on Christmas day which will be super nice!
  That is so awesome to hear about Logan. I always thought he was a good guy and a stud. I am glad that Bridger  finally has some back up in his family. He really needs it. I am going to guess that his dad will be baptized pretty soon if I guess correctly. 
  I have lots of photos for you from this past week some are from the baptism, some are from my zone conference and some are from a district activity 
  I would invite you dad to look up the church message He is the Gift on the church website or on It is a great video about what Christmas really means.   It is a huge deal down here. All the missionaries have to give out thousands of these little cards and report how many times we watch the video with people. It is like dropping a spiritual bomb during a lesson, it is awesome! We had a inter-zone conference this past week with the president which was awesome. I think I am finally starting to understand what the Lord expects of me not only right now in the mission but in the future and I have to say that I am really excited and scared at the same time.  I know I can do it but I know my life after the mission will not be easy but that is the life of a disciple of Christ. I can`t really expect my salvation to be easy.   If it was never easy for Him then I'm going to have to suffer through some of His same trails. That is the only true way we can walk His path. 
  Thank you for preparing me to be a messenger of righteousness and please thank the bishop, Rob, Regan, Josh and my other leaders for preparing me. I now realize how much they had to go through. Especially thank the bishop and let him know that I will be praying for him because I don`t want him to suffer the same things that the branch president is suffering here. 

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

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