Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Not feeling trunky anymore....

Thank you very much for your advise and I promise I will apply it. I had a crazy week with lots of traveling. We had a training for the district leaders this last week and it was so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost all the guys that got here with me are leaders with me which is pretty cool. The president, I think wants us all to mature really fast in preparation for the new mission president we are going to get. Almost all the guy from my district in the MTC are district leaders, trainers or senior comp and one is my zone leader. I'm finally out of the feeling trunky part of my mission. I almost never think of home which is like super weird to say but I just don´t have time. So one of the cousins of the Anderson's is in my district and she is like our 3rd cousin from the 2nd or 3rd wife of Israel Barlow, which is pretty cool, so I have family here with me. I am doing really good with finding new people to teach. We have to contact at least 20 people everyday which I love because if I want to baptize everyone, I need to talk to everyone. If I want to baptize few people, I will only talk with few people. I want lots of Baptisms! We are teaching a young couple that  live together. They are super awesome and had accepted a date to be baptized and then we learned that they weren´t married.  Now they have to get married and then be baptized but they love the thought of eternal families, which makes sense, who wouldn´t. Their names are Ulysses and Camila and they have a 6 year old named Alvero. Obediencia (obedience) is the one thing I know I will have knocked out of park when I get off the mission because if I am not obedient I literally can´t teach or be worthy of the spirit. Did you watch the video Because of Him because if not I would suggest watching it for family night tonight because it is amazing. I cry literally every time I watch it. 
District Leader Training Meeting

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

Monday, February 16, 2015

Fisrt transfer to Ligua, a little stressed out...

Mom and Dad:
Dad I am positive that you received revelation for your son with the talk that you sent me. I have been super stressed out these past 5 days because of the following. I did get transferred, I am now in La Ligua, the biggest sector in the entire mission. It has one huge big city about the same size of Ovalle which had 16 missionaries but now it is only me and my companion. I am now a district leader. I am actually not that stressed about that, more like excited!  Its new but I am not worried. My companion, Elder Almanzor,  is just ending his training, so he is really new. He struggles with the language and I'm worried about how effectively we are going to be able to work. It is hard to teach a good lesson because he expects me to translate when he talks to the people here in English.  I am not saying he can´t change and I am going to do everything I possibly can to help him. I just need to breath, maintain control, have empathy and consider how things could be worse. I have a calling from the God of the whole Earth to go and to bring his children to salvation and  I will not fail. I can not fail because their salvation is tied to my salvation. I know the gospel is true. Now I need to work and show that I know it is true.
I have gotten taller and a lot skinnier, I have a six pack ha
ha!! I have actually gotten really muscular! I was super sad to leave Francisco's mom but she is in the church now and preparing to go to the temple. Now I have the opportunity to live with them for eternity if both of us keep our covenants.
 Love Elder Chris Barlow
First transfer to Ligua

Thursday, February 12, 2015

So grateful for my priesthood...

Hi mommy!!! Estoy bien esta semana fue muy loca!! Tuvimos entrevistas con El presidente de la misión y la entrevista de María la mama de Francisco y intercambios y hacia cualquier calor aquí es horrible. Entrevistas con Presidente fue super bueno es en serio es tan genial me ayuda mucho para enfocarme mas en los chico-tito cosas que yo necesito cambiar. Voy hablar mucho mas en Español entonces estas es el rezón estoy escribiendo en Español. María tuvo su entrevista y sera bautizado mañana a las 7 en la tarde y estoy tan  feliz. Estoy orando por tío lynn entonces Caleb sera mejor y bueno con Carolina cosas pasen no mas y no podemos hacer nada pero estoy aquí por los elegidos. Tengo cambios en miércoles entonces voy a salir me primero sector que es super bueno.
Yo amo mi sacerdocio es la mas grande bendición que tengo en me vida. Yo amo dando bendiciones a otro personas yo se que el poder de Dios realmente fue restaurado al mundo porque he sentido y he visto esta poder. Gracias por todo de tu tiempo y amor mama. Te amo muchísimo y ojala tu sabes esos.

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow


I'm am well. This week was crazy! We had interviews with the mission president, interviewed Maria, Fransisco's mom, splits and it is horribly hot here. Interviews with the president super good. He's seriously so genuine and helps me focus on the little things that I need to change.  
I am going to speak a lot more in Spanish and that is the reason why I'm writing in  Spanish.  Maria will be baptized tomorrow evening at 7. I am so happy!  I am praying for uncle Lynn and for Caleb to get better. And about Carolina, things happen and there is nothing we can do. I am here for the elect.  I have transfers on Wednesday and I think I will be transferred which is super good!
  I love my priesthood. It is the greatest blessing that I have in my life. I love giving blessings to other people.  I know that the power of God was restored to the earth because I have felt and seen this power.  
  Mom thank you for all your hard work and love.  I hope you know that I love you so much.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

I want to be an example of the believers...

I had a very interesting week and dad has most of the details so I am only going to say that we can no longer teach Carolina because she is in love with my comp and wants his bod. Elder Staton is the man. He is going to be spending lots of nights at our house during college because we're going to be poor college students and he loves your food even though he hasn´t even tried it yet. Plus everyone hates him and he has no friends but they do like his bod.  

Mom you rock. Alma 56:44-47 Por lo tanto, ¿que Decís, Hijos míos? ¿queréis ir a combatirlos? y te digo mi amado hermano Moroni, que jamas había visto yo tan grande valor no, ni aun entre todos los nefitas. pues como yo siempre los había llamado hijos míos pues eran todos muy jóvenes, he aquí me contestaron de esta manera: Padre He aquí nuestro Dios esta con nosotros y no no dejara caer; así pues, avancemos. no mataríamos a nuestros hermanos si nos dejasen en paz por tanto avancemos no sea que derroten al ejercito de antipus.  Hasta entonces nunca habían combatido: no obstante, no temían la muerte y estimaban mas la libertad de sus padres que sus propias vidas si sus madres les habían enseñado que si ni dudaban dios los libraría. 48- Y ME REPITIERON LAS PALABRAS DE SUS MADRES, DICIENDO: NO DUDAMOS QUE NUESTRAS MADRES LO SABÍAN. 

I love you mom
Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow 
Hey Dad!! Everyone sent me an update from the super bowl which was really funny to me because I had stopped caring about professional football before my mission.  I thought it was funny that people care enough about me to included these types of details in their emails to me.  Is Caleb doing OK? Has he left the hospital and how are uncle Lynn and the others doing? I am going to write them this week and pray for him. And on a happy note, way to slay it with having a girlfriend Caleb! High 5 From Chile!

We had this amazing,  I mean pure gold investigator named Carolina and she was progressing like no one I had ever seen before. She would read everything we left with her and then look stuff up in the BOM to read. She was reading the additional study references from the pamphlets and was praying on her knees every night. She had a baptismal date for Sunday.  We were at a branch activity and she told my comp that she wasn't sure if she was joining the church because it was true or for him. He was like no!!!!   Now the sisters in our branch have a free baptisms. It blows so bad!! But Its all good because we are going to baptize the Francisco's mom next week, the day before transfers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so pumped!! 

I love preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and I have really been trying to give my whole heart to the Lord because I want to change. I don´t want to come home and be the same old Chris Barlow. I want to be an example of the believers that really give their whole hearts to the lord. I know it is the only way our family and my future family can be together forever. I am so grateful for everything you have done for me and obviously I don´t have the words to express the love or understand all the things that you have for me but I really do love you dad and I want you to know that in my opinion if all men are were and ever would be like unto Peter Barlow the very powers of hell would be shaken forever. Yea Satan would never have power over the hearts of the children of man. 

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow 

P.S. Tell Dave Bethers the Gaytriots still suck.