Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Finally have investigators, studying Miracle of Forgiveness, finally received my birthday package...

Hey dad!

I am still with Elder Gutierrez which is awesome! I have a pretty good streak going with my companions by having had a baptism with every companion and I don`t want that to change. We finally found investigators! We found 5 this last week and they are really good. One accepted a baptismal date but  didn`t come to church, so we are going to have to get him excited to go to church and make the changes that will help him get to baptism. Some of our other investigators are coming along as well. Camillo accepted a baptismal date but we have to help him strengthen his faith.  He thinks that if he gets baptized he will get kick out of his school and so does his mom. Its a catholic school but I don`t think that will happen. 
I had a really cool question come to my mind during my studies today. I was reading preach my gospel and  was reading about faith in Jesus Christ and how part of having faith in Christ is being able to achieve or accomplish what he wants us to do. I sat thinking about what Christ wants me to accomplish and now I have a new way of measuring if what I'm doing what I should be. "Will this help me accomplish what the lord wants me to do?" I think its pretty good, not gonna lie! I also started reading the Miracle of Forgiveness. It's super good and has kinda opened my eyes to the types of small sins that we commit everyday. I really like it. Have you read that book? I love you dad and hope you are doing well. I am praying for you guys and I also love that photo of the deer pajamas. Tell mama I love here and give her a big hug from me. Also tell Micheal to write me so I can talk to him.
 I got the package! Thank you very much for all the things you sent me! I love the shirts, the ties and the football. My comp loves the movies because at night he can watch them while I am making my calls. We climbed this huge hill with the zone today and launched lanterns from the top, representing the converts that we had in the zone this month. It was a little scary because some almost crashed into the ground and I was pretty sure it would  start a fire. 
Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

Transfer day to La Serena
Zone activity

Breakfast of Champions

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