Friday, September 25, 2015

Earthquake In Viña del Mar, I'm good, it was so cool, didn't have any fear...

Hey Mom! 
I am perfectly fine!!! I was in the earthquake but nothing happened. It was so cool! I know that sounds bad because there was a lot of damage but from where I was in the moment it was super cool! I was in the street walking with my comp and my legs started shaking and everything started moving! I knew it was an earthquake so me and my comp put our arms across each others shoulders and started walking shoulder to shoulder in case wires and things started falling. I didn`t feel any fear to be honest, I was perfectly calm. I was more worried that something would fall and hit my comp and I was ready to push him out of the way or cover him if a wire or something fell. We started walking forward slowly. As we walked a lady started motioning and shouting at us to come and help her, so we went and asked her what we could do. During this time everything was still moving around us and she just hugged us and started shouting "Lord give me strength! Stop this terrible force give me strength!". It was kind funny and sad at the same time. She was fine and when it ended we started searching for all the members and investigators that we could find. Everyone was fine and no one was hurt.   We didn`t have  power, so we were walking around with flashlights. We are all good here except in Coquimbo where most the damage happened. I am sure  this week I will receive a call to go down and help as a zone. It hasn`t happened yet. I am fine though! I think you should watch this video that we have been sharing with everyone.  I am being dead honest about  how I felt.  Its called the hearts of man will falter by Elder Nelson. He talks about when he was almost in a plane crash. 

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