Monday, October 19, 2015

Charity is pure love of Christ...

 I have been studying a lot these last couple weeks about charity and the need that we have for it in our lives. I was reading in Moroni 7 and its amazing how much we must change to reach exaltation. Its also amazing how much Christ really changes us without us noticing, unless we make a strong effort to try and see it. His grace is an amazing tool we as missionaries must use to over come our weaknesses. I have been thinking that charity is an attribute that we must posses it is something  we need to have toward  all people everywhere. I was reading a talk given by  President Holland and I realized that only Christ`s love is perfect. We can love all people, that is possible but  we can`t love them perfectly because we are not perfect yet.  I think Moroni is trying to teach in his sermon about charity and  that through our hope and faith in Christ we will be humble enough to the point to where the pure love of Christ, through praying with all the energy of our hearts for others and for ourselves, will fill us and in the last days we will recognize that Christ loves us, that we have loved him sufficiently to be changed by his grace.  We will appear to be like him because we will  have worked all our days trying to do what he would have done. So in the end its true what the scriptures say, only through the merits and grace of the holy messiah, shall in the end we be saved. Its very humbling for me to see how literally we are nothing.  our heavenly father sent his only begotten son, the creator of all things in heaven and earth and countless other worlds and people, to live, teach, suffer all the human condition asks us to suffer, to descend below all the lowest that anyone can possibly  go, and the to die a painful, long death.  He lives, and because he lives I know I will live. I will be changed by him from nothing to something so beautiful I  can`t even image it. I can only dream of it and try my very best to work towards it everyday. I love my savior and his love is real. I have felt it so many times when he has helped and comforted me. You mom are one of the ways the savior allows me to feel his love and for that I am eternally grateful. You have raised me with such care, patience, long suffering!, mercy, and above all charity. Keep trying to be better everyday. because just like Elder Holland said mothers are unique and amazing.  

Check out this cool sword and my shoes! This is the second time I have gotten these same wholes in the sole! 

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow!
Holy Shoes!!!

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