Monday, September 8, 2014

First letter from Chile

Hey Momma! It’s your baby Boy! I hope you and Jessica had super good birthdays and I hope you enjoyed your time up at Bear Lake! I have so much to tell you its ridiculous! So to start we left the airport in Mexico at like 1150, which sucked, but I’m fine with it because I gave out my first Book of Mormon on the plane! One of the flight attendants recognized the big Jesucristo on the front of the tag and was like are you like a minister? I told her yes and she started to talk about how her husband gave her papers of divorce that morning and she didn’t know what to do and I told her that she needs to pray and to ask Heavenly Father for help and to read the Bible with the Book of Mormon and she was super excited and accepted and it was great! But because of course all things have opposition not 5 minutes later I got totally rejected by the old lady sitting next to me! She was like your bible is false and your baptism is false and I could really responded because of a little shock and I could barely understand so I barely slept for that 8 and 1/2 hour flight because I was thinking about it all night but I’m good now because I have been rejected so many times already that I’m just used to it now! My first area is called Ovalle and I’m in the sector called calhiejente I’m pretty sure that is how it is spelled my Comps name is Elder Ariaza and he is from Costa Rica I will try and send a picture but it will take time because I don’t know how to work the computers here! So far we have taught about 8 lessons but only 3 of our like 17 investigators are progressing but con tiempo! Con tiempo has basically become my theme song! Yo entiendo mas Espanol ahora pero la personas aquì hablan muy muy rapido y es muy dificil a entender porque ellos no tienen annunciation ha ha perro I tengo esperanza por me trecer semana Yo entiendo casi todo la idioma! los miembros es muy bieno pero estas muy menos activos aquì en Chile y ellos no quieren la Iglesia es muy diho! Tell me about the family and I hope Brittany gets sent to where she wants to go on her service trip tell me about how your lunches go and how your cooping ;) Tell me about how Hannah is doing in school and how Jessica’s teaching is going! how are dad and Stu doing with training and work and how is Stu with the MCAT? 
1. I will send you pictures of the house and my address and my comp next week when I have taken some!
2. They apparently have Wal-Mart here so I should be just fine ha-ha

3. I will have plenty of money and if I need more I will tell you! :)
I love you so much Momma!
Your obviously favorite child
Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow 

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