Monday, September 22, 2014

My first baptism!!!

Hey dad its your son! I have some really big News! I had my first baptism this week which was freaking awesome!!! A good way to end my fourth week in Chile I think! Her name was Kammy Johnson and she is 19 and just the perfect investigator! she attended church for a month before we started teaching her which was awesome! For a person to be baptized now they have to attend church 3 times in a row and receive all the lessons. At least it is here in this mission. We taught her all the lessons in 2 days and then had her interview the day after and then the baptism was yesterday! Her confirmation is next week and I think she is going to be an awesome member! And now because of her we are going to start teaching her dad and 13 year old sister who are both very smart and the dad loves to read the bible but has some problems with the responsibility parts of the gospel. I have about 9 investigators right now and about half right now I am guessing will eventually be baptized idk by who, possibly me but I believe at some point they will accept and be baptized!

Thank you for sending me that news article! It was awesome to read! This gospel is so true and I am so glad to be apart of this church and the things that you and Mom taught me are true! I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that through the power of God he translated the Book Of Mormon! I love the Book of Mormon and I have been reading it a lot and sharing so much that I am receiving revelation about it every time I open the pages, it's amazing! Thank you for sending me that Ipod! I probably won´t get it till my training is over along with most of the other stuff you sent me but I really appreciate how fast you and mom reacted to my emails!

I have started to work a lot more with the members here because there are a lot of less active and inactive members here. yesterday we met with the branch president and talked about somethings to help strengthen the branch and I had 2 ideas that we are going use. One is a day of cleaning the whole church where we meet at because it is dirty and the members need to work together better. so we are hoping this will help bring the branch closer together and then the other was a night when me and my companion and the sisters who are with us teach the members how to approach someone or a family member or friend and talk about the gospel with them. We´re calling it preach my Gospel night and I am really excited for it because these people want to share the gospel but don´t know how. I have a challenge for the family as well. try and have the missionaries over more often and help them as much as possible because I promise if you have missionaries in the house the spirit will be even stronger and if you make the house a place where missionaries can bring or teach lessons to investigators it will be the happiest place on earth. 

I love you so much and I am glad that you are staying busy and having such a good time at home
From your loving son
Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

Hey Momma!!! I love you such much and have so much to tell YOU!!!!!!!!! I had my first baptism this week which was freaking awesome!!! A good way to end my fourth week in Chile I think! 

I have been trying to work a lot more with the members here and trying to strengthen this branch because they need a lot of help and its not easy because they don't really know how to talk about the gospel with friend or family so last night me me Compañero ruinarse con el presidente del rama y nosotros hablemos sobre alguno ideas a ayuda está rama. Yo tengo dos muy bueno ideas a ayuda y uno es a tener un dia de limpio la capilla porque es muy dirty y necesita una bueno limpio. El otra cosa fue con me y me compa, nosotros ensenamos el miembros aquí en come ensenar y hablar con sus amigos y familias yo espero está cosas ayuda nosotros enseramos mas lecciones y ayuda está rama obtiene mas miembros. Yo quiero está rama a sentir como nuestros rama. 

I love you so much mom and I hope your couping with my absence well but the time is flying and I will be home before you know it! I doubt that I will be able to buy music here so if you sent the ipod already you can always put the music on a flash drive and send it to me that way. 

From your loving and solamente hijo
Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow
Elder Barlow's First Baptism
Kammy Johnson

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