Monday, November 24, 2014

New goals, learning so much, all scriptures are for uplifting the world...

Hey mom! I am doing really well and I am in Ovalle doing good. I did receive both the packages from you  and the bishop which was awesome! I have been giving the candy to everyone because with both of your packages combined it was like a years supply, so thank you very much! I don´t know a sister Ramirez but I will remember the name from now on. We set a goal  to have 20 baptisms because of the story that dad told me last week.  We are going to be busy working our tails off to find 20 people who will attend church for 3 weeks straight and accept that this is the real gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth. Restored through a modern day prophet.  I know it is possible and with faith, prayer and hard work we will have 20 baptisms by the 31 of 
December. I don't have a whole a lot to write this week but we have been having working a lot. I am really starting to love Chile and I feel really close to the people that I am teaching.  

I love you so much mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow
Hey Dad whats up!  Chilean Spanish is so different then any other country its crazy. They speak in code basically. I am doing good with the language and can talk and understand almost everything now. Reflexive verbs are the thing I still don´t understand but I can talk and speak pretty well, so I am not that worried. I am alright with what happened with Juan and his family. I know we tried our best and everything is the will of the Lord so I really don´t feel to bummed out. I have really learned so much here on my mission I can barely explain it. I have learned what I will need to do to raise a family that is strong in the church, how to really study and understand the scriptures, which are so very wonderful and clear. I really can´t understand how the world hasn't figured out that the church of Christ can´t be on the earth without a prophet. I have been studying the New Testament a lot and wish I would have read it more before my mission because it really helps a lot. I remember one time when I had started to read the bible and started in the Old Testament and you said that I should focus my study in the Book of Mormon. I have to say now that you were wrong. All scripture is for the uplifting and teaching of the world. Yes the Book of Mormon is important and the only way people can learn true conversion is through the Book of Mormon but the purpose of the Book of Mormon is to testify of the Bible and bring about the unifying of the tribes of Israel. Without both we don´t have the complete gospel of Jesus Christ. So I would invite you to start studying the bible again because yes it isn´t perfect but when we study the bible and the Book of Mormon together the mysteries of Heavenly Father are opened to us. 
I love you so much dad and am so grateful for the things that you taught me as a boy and young man. I am eternally grateful that you are a worthy priesthood holder and an amazing example to me and for my future sons.

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

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