Monday, November 3, 2014

Missing you guys but getting easier...

Hola Momma!! Como estas? Estoy muy bien y me agrado hablar en Español con ti! Yo puedo contestar preguntas y hablar en Español todo tiempo ahora. Es difícil a veces pero solamente necesito mas tiempo de practicar y tener una mas claro acento. Me gusta los photos y su costumbre esta muy Maravilloso, su y Jessica's son genial. 
I am going to stop writing in Spanish now because it is really hard to type in Spanish. I love dads lame costume too. How are you guys doing. Are the girls having a good time in school and how are dad's cases? Is Stu still studying for the MCAT and when is the date of his test so I can fast for him. I also love Josh´s hang over costume its awesome. How are you doing mama? You missing me because if so I miss you guys too but it is easier and easier every day!! Its crazy to think that I have been gone since July! I am in the 5th month of my mission! I need to start baptizing more people! It was a little bit of a rough week because not a whole lot of people here know how to manage a schedule or be on time for things or keep commitments. At times it feels like I am  pretty isolated from everyone around me because everyday I listen to the same lame excuses and it can be pretty annoying at times. But like my mission president said I need to find the elect. We have a baptismal date for the  for a woman named Ana Araya. She is really great and believes everything we tell her, the only problem is she has a really busy schedule for work its everyday of the week and we have to have our investigators attend church 3 times before them can be baptized. If she doesn't attend church these next 2 weeks she won´t be able to be baptized and its possible that I won´t be here for it because we have changes in 2 weeks. We lost Juan which is a really big bummer but I honestly don´t feel that bad. I am obviously very sad for him and a little angry at his family but this is the will of the Lord and I believe he will be a member and a leader in the church one day.

Oh me and my comp dressed up for Halloween too! I was a short Costa Rican for Halloween and he was a devilishly, handsome, bronze skinned American boy from Utah.

I love you Mommma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

De tu Hijo amado!
Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

Last week Peter asked him a series of questions and this week he responded.

1.The most difficult thing about Spanish is the order of the words. Reflexive verbs are really hard too and I need to get down on how to use them.

2. I haven´t had to many embarrassing moments which I am very grateful. I did mistake one of the members of our branch for one of our investigators. Then I proceeded to ask her husband to go sit by her so that she could feel welcome and maybe explain some things about the meetings and asked him to talk about his experiences in the church. That was pretty embarassing but I was ok with it.

3.Mote con Husillo is nasty. It is corn and peach's in really good juice but all together it is one of the nastiest combinations of food I have ever had. 

4. I love empanadas and I love love love the helado (ice cream)!!! This country has the most delicious ice cream I have ever had in my entire life. I have actually bought half a liter for our district meeting and we all ate it during the meeting.

5.I cook a lot of hot dogs, chicken, beef, make tacos, sandwiches and fries. The best was when I made myself some home made chorillana. I chopped up fries,onions, eggs, beef and hot dogs and put it all together! Que Rico!

6. I am still struggling with having to talk out things with my comp.  It´s really hard for me because he obviously has more experience then I do and so a lot of the time if I ask why, he will just say porque si(just because).

7. I saw a member of about 9 years didn't know how to give an opening prayer in sacrament meeting and proceed to give a small talk. It was entertaining but I also felt bad.

8. I hate companionship interventions, its the worst thing ever. 

9.  I love running now. It is one of my favorite things to do and I do it every day. I also do lots of push ups, abs stuff and jump rope.

10. I love the first lesson because I had never thought that only a small portion of the world actually knows or believes Christ visited the Americas. And because the church was restored to it's original form it means God hasn't abandoned his children to the imperfect thoughts and interpretations of men. I love the lessons on chastity and word of wisdom because those are the most evident in my life. The consequences are obvious and the rewards and blessings are as well.

I love you Dad!!!!
Elder Christoper Ryan Barlow

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