Monday, November 17, 2014

Want to change area for the better...

  Hey dad, I really need to hear that story about your experience with baptisms and goals.  Our goals right now are to make sure that people were teaching are actually in their homes when we set the appointment times. I want to change the area I am in right now for the better because this branch is really struggling. They need new blood and a new set of supporters which is hard. A lot of the members want to help but they are just to scared of being rejected or just aren´t excited any more, which is the hardest part to watch for me. We have completely lost Juan. When we went to teach the Contuliano family the other day, Chile was playing Venezuela in a match and he was downing beers like it was his job. It was really sad and I felt a little disappointed but I know that I did what I could to teach him. I know that someday he may realize he made the biggest mistake of his life. 
  We have transfers this week, so I might be getting a new comp which is exciting and scary at the same time. I am pretty sure I am going to be in Ovalle until January which is pretty nice and then I will get changed on New Years Eve. We had 2 dates set for the 30th but we have to push them back again because the people didn't show up to church but we have a couple new investigators who are really great and I am hoping they will be baptizwanted within the next three weeks as well. 
  I love you so much and am so proud to be your son and so grateful Heavenly Father blessed me with such a great father.

Elder Christopher Ryan Barlow

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